Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My own little Christmas tree

I have a Christmas tree that I got in 6th grade and I have used it ever sense then for decoration for my room.

This year I decided to put the presents that I got from my friends underneath it. :) After I had set everything by the tree up, I took the stocking that I had gotten from my Secret Santa in Seminary and put it up on my wall to the side of the tree. As I stood back to admire it, I decided that I would make a nice blog post. So here I am posting about it

Anyway here is one of the pictures that I took of the tree, if you look to the side of it you can see the red stocking! hehehe

(wow really dark pic... didn't mean for it to be that dark... Sorry :)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Well a lot has heppened...

Well how have you all been sense my last post? :) I have been doing alright. I had a birthday not to long ago. On the 10th. I had a very good time. My friends sang to me on the bus the whole way to school, I got a huge pink gift bag with presents inside, and I had to carry it all day, it was really big and hard/annoying to carry it all day but I really didn't mind. It was just that having it by my side all day broad casted that is was my birthday... unwanted attention. They also baked me a chocolate cake with pink frosting that we ate during lunch... it was mmm mmm mmm good!

Well enough with that :)

Christmas is coming up and I can't wait for it! Christmas has always been a favorite holiday for me, as well as millions of others. But that reason that I like Christmas, is that I get to give with out an excuse for it! In Seminary we picked out a name of someone in our class, that we had to give a gift, or many gifts to. I got a boy that I don't really talk to, because we are total opposites. I think that having this name has been good for me. I have prayed a lot more, about what to give him and others, I have gotten to know him better, by just listening in on his conversations... (yeah yea yeah I know I am being an eavesdropper, but how else do I get an idea of what he likes?:)

Life has been good to me. We have a Christmas band concert, and I am playing not only my violin for the classic Christmas songs, but I am also playing the bass guitar for the jazz song my class is playing. :) It is great fun!!!

I will be better at keeping you posted, but I have been very busy lately :)Thanks for coming back though!

Love your big sister