Thursday, January 31, 2008

Klutzy me

At school, I broke my ankle falling off the bleachers. Oh dear me... I can't stay on my feet at all. Earlier that day I had slipped on the snow, then I fell on my history teacher during the first assembly. My history teacher is 6'4... he is a big guy. :)

This is how it happened.

I was in the gym for the second time that day, and I needed to go out to get my violin before the busses got there. I got up and started going down the bleachers. The bleachers are steep so started to catch some air. On the 2nd to last bleacher, I tripped and fell. My friend started to walk over to me and he asked if I was alright. Not wanting lots of attention drawn to myself I said I was fine and hobbled out of the gym doors. My ankle hurt really bad so I sat down in the lunch room and started cry. My friend was with and ran to go get somebody when the gym teacher, who saw me fall, came out and ran over me. He picked me up and helped me walk to the office. They sat me down and went to go get a teacher to help give me a blessing. I started to hyperventilate and freak out. One of my teachers who was there with me was about ready to smack me over the head... she could not get me to calm down.

When the buses came they ran out to tell my bus driver I was riding home with the other driver. My new driver came inside and said that she was an EMT. She tried to have me put pressure on her hand by pushing it with my foot, but I couldn't. We got on the bus and she drove me to the clinic. My mom met us there. I got off and got x-rays of my foot. They said it was sprained. (We later found out it was broken, but that's a different story.) I went home with crutches, a brace, and some pain killers that make me loopy... :)

So thats was my big adventure. Sorry about the picture. The flash made my BIG huge bruise go white...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I am red!

Last night I dyed my hair. I am now a dark auburn. It is not permenet and it will wash out in 8-10 shampooings, but hey I am now RED!!! I am naturally a medium brown with blue eyes and lots of freckles. So the red with the blue eyes and the freckles looks good. At leats I think so. I had fun doing it and the dye has a fruity smell. :) yum!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Years

Boy... I STILL feel stuffed. I think I ate too much food, well I know I ate too much food. I ate like a horse. But besides that, I had a very fun New Years. We ate home made pizza (I made it :) We also had snack galore, and fire works. We talked and played games. We had family friends over. I didn't get to bed till 1:05. I am bushed. I think I am going to take a very long nap... :)

good night hehehehe



Hello my name is Laurel. As the title says I am a KLUTZ!!!!!! I can't walk over a flat surface with out falling. :) I hope you enjoy this blog and keep coming back for updates!

Somethings about me...
I play the violin and I am the ONLY one in a band, yes I said BAND! I have 5 brothers and no sisters. I just had a birthday on the 10th of December. I live in Utah and have lived here since I was born. I like to bake and cook. I think of it as a stress relief. My favorite thing to bake is Chocolate Chip Cookies. My family loves them and the cookies NEVER stay on the pan for more then a few minutes. I just moved and am getting use to the change. It is a SMALL place and I like bigger places more. I write and just finished my first short story. My mom along with her short story sent it off the LTUE BYU contest. I am all jittery and hope that it does well. I like to talk and when I get going it is hard to stop... hehehe :)

Any way, I hope you like the blog and keep coming back for more!

Love your big sister