Tuesday, July 14, 2009

WOOHOO I CAN DRIVE!!! (legally... :D)

Yesterday we took the long treck to Price to go get a birth critificate so that I could get my learners premit! I can now drive legally with someone over 21! I was so excited! I drove home and to karate then to the store after karate! There are still a few things that I need to work on, but I am getting better! The only sucky thing is that I can't get my actual drivers license till one month after my birthday, beacuse I waited too long to get my learners, and you have to have it 6 months before you get you license.

Here is my pic with the permit!


jefferies said...

Woah!! Seriously??
Congrats! I'm sure you'll be a great driver.

Rebecca and Nick said...

Yay for you! Have fun with that!

Laurel said...

I know! I only have about 4-5 months till I am 16! WOOHOO!

I am doing pretty well!

Thanks guys! I will have tons of fun!

Love your big sister