Friday, December 12, 2008

Well a lot has heppened...

Well how have you all been sense my last post? :) I have been doing alright. I had a birthday not to long ago. On the 10th. I had a very good time. My friends sang to me on the bus the whole way to school, I got a huge pink gift bag with presents inside, and I had to carry it all day, it was really big and hard/annoying to carry it all day but I really didn't mind. It was just that having it by my side all day broad casted that is was my birthday... unwanted attention. They also baked me a chocolate cake with pink frosting that we ate during lunch... it was mmm mmm mmm good!

Well enough with that :)

Christmas is coming up and I can't wait for it! Christmas has always been a favorite holiday for me, as well as millions of others. But that reason that I like Christmas, is that I get to give with out an excuse for it! In Seminary we picked out a name of someone in our class, that we had to give a gift, or many gifts to. I got a boy that I don't really talk to, because we are total opposites. I think that having this name has been good for me. I have prayed a lot more, about what to give him and others, I have gotten to know him better, by just listening in on his conversations... (yeah yea yeah I know I am being an eavesdropper, but how else do I get an idea of what he likes?:)

Life has been good to me. We have a Christmas band concert, and I am playing not only my violin for the classic Christmas songs, but I am also playing the bass guitar for the jazz song my class is playing. :) It is great fun!!!

I will be better at keeping you posted, but I have been very busy lately :)Thanks for coming back though!


jefferies said...

P.S. waaay cool that you played the bass guitar and the violin for your concerts. I would love to see you play!

Rebecca and Nick said...

Happy belated birthday from me, too! (sorry about that) It sounds like you have some great friends. I am glad they made the day special for you! And that is very cool that you are turning into such a musician! Keep it up! See you at Christmas time!

Laurel said...

Thanks guys! :) Yeah in all the pictures my dad took of the concert, when I was on the bass Guitar I looked like I was going to cry! I was so nervous!!!!!

See you at Christmas time!!! In only a few days!!!

Love your big sister