Monday, March 16, 2009

Broken boards, no not hearts, boards... :D

(can you tell I have had a work-out? hahaha)
Yes it is true! I broke my fist board tonight with a hammer fist strike. I was scared at first, but he talked me through the first half, and I was able to do it with out problem. He told me to step forward with the strike 3 different times. The 1st and 2nd time, to do it with out force, then on the third time, you were supposed to give it all you had. After doing it, my hand kind of stung, but it went away really fast. Now as I look at it, I don't feel a thing. I still need to test for my orange belt, but I will do it soon.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

I was bored :)...

You Are Accepting and Open

When You Are Comfortable:

You are enthusiastic and flexible. You are open-minded. You prefer to learn from others... not judge them.

People see you as kind and cooperative. You are very supportive when friends are down on their luck.

When You Are At Your Best:

You are a shy, quiet person. Underneath your shell, you are compassionate and giving.

People find you to be friendly and welcoming. Your home is a place of comfort to them.

When You Are in a Social Setting:

You are ambitious, and hard-working. Adversity allows you to shine. You resourceful and able to make due.

People see you as honest to the point of bluntness. But they always know that you'll be fair. You have the good intentions.

I think that it got it pretty close!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The joys and downs of a teenager's life

Yes well, I have been slightly depressed the past 2 days, because I tried out for the High school softball team, and I didn't make it. I did really well at try-outs, but I guess not good enough. I am thinking about trying out next year, but before that, I am going to work my BUTT off trying to get better at my favorite sport. :) Some of my friends made it, and that is all that matters now. I am going to be their BIGGEST cheerleader! WOOHOO SPARTANS SOFTBALL GIRLS!!!! I still plan on going out for county softball, and I can't for for that :)

Any way, to go on with the good stuff in life, I had a pretty good day at school, I had a test in math (yes I know, all of you out there reading this are going, she is happy to have a math test???!!! but yes I am happy for one.) My friend gave me a note in class today telling me how much she loves me, and how she wishes I could be with her on the softball team. Last but not least, I can now do a backflip off the diving board! Yay!!!

Love your big sister