Friday, August 29, 2008


It is FRIDAY!!!!!! I get to sleep in! I do love school but I like to sleep too :) Have a good weekend to all who read this!!!! :)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Well... I'm still alive :)

School has been alright. I am into the 2nd week, and doing just fine. I enjoy being the big bad kids in school now :) the little ones are afraid of us. hehehehe I think so far that seminary is the best class. My teacher is up-beat and energetic. He makes learning about the gospel fun :) He is really cool to be around. I also have two really WEIRD teachers they are REALLY hyper and loud and all over the place I brace myself every time I go into their classes. It is really weird to go from Seminary to go to my L.A. class because one is quiet and spiritual the other class has a crazy teacher that is SOOOOO hyper :)

I am not involved in any sports so far, but come May I am going to try out for softball. I would do other sports but I missed volleyball (dang it!!!) and I can't play basketball, so that leaves wrestling... NOPE!!! We might be able to put a soccer team together so I might do that.

School is still kind of taking off so we haven't done anything big. Which I am just fine with. :)

Any way I am sure there are more updates to come soon :)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ok I know it is a little late to put this up but oh well :)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Ok I know I just posted but....

I went on the Skycoaster again. This time we had three people go though. I still pulled the rip cord, Weston went again (he did it with me the first time) then my friend Brinne did it with us. We had the funnest time!!!!!!!! While we were having fun, Brinne and I decided to go on the Catapult. We did and it was really fun, but I still think the Skycoaster was better. :) The Harness is really tight. You buckle your self in with a seatbelt then they pull the blue harness down and then they pull another strap (you can see them in the picture the black line coming out from he catapult) and buckle you into the harness. They shoot you off when you are not expecting git and it is fun :) When we got off the catapult the guy asked us if we wanted to watch our movie, (they have a video recorder in the catapult). We watched the movie and laughed the whole time. I realized that I have a HUGE mouth when I scream. he. . .he. . .he It was really big... it looked really bad too :)

Oh well I had fun and that is what counts.

Am I ready? I dont't think so...

School starts on the 19th and I am not ready for it to begin again. I want summer to last at least one more week :P But I know that it is not possible. It just means that sense we are starting earlier, we will get out for summer earlier again.

I will post after my first day of school and tell you how it was.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pretty close I think :)

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Strong and spirited. You're no one's girly girl; actually you are very determined person with a strong sense of self. Never let go of that! The only thing that equals your sense of self is your family, but the traditions of society can always be bent to protect something or someone you love.

Which Disney Princess Are You?

My mom has told me that I am a tom boy :) She does say that I am a girly girl too though :) Any way this has got to be my favorite Disney movie out of all of them :)

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Castle Valley Pageant

This Pageant is about the pioneers that came form San Pete county to settle Emery County. It is really awesome! I play an Indian the first four nights then I will be a pioneer for the last four. The pageant really opened my eyes about the county. It looks barren and desolate, but it is really a pretty place :)

Any one who reads this, and has time or is able, should come! We have people from all over the state coming to see it. Last night we had a lot of people there, but Fridays and Saturdays always have the most people.
There are signs for the pageant all over. Just before you go into the Spanish Fork Canyon there is a big sign talking about it. When you get into Emery County there are big orange signs all over so if you get lost just look for those :)

Here are other instructions the address if you need a map here is a link, I hope it works :) If not tell me in the comments section.,10789,1782-1-1-4785+NORTH+DESBEE+DOVE+RDp-CASTLE+DALE-UTAH-84513,00.html

4785 North Desbee Dove Rd.
Castle Dale, Utah 84513

Phone number(s):

Call Mark Justice at 435-687-2403 for more information.


July 31; Aug 1-2, 5-9

Pioneer village activities from 6:30 P.M. to 8:15 P.M. Pageant performances begin at 8:30 P.M. and last about an hour-and-a-half.


Admission is free.

The pageant is really cool :) I know I have said that a lot in this post but it is so true.

Love your big sister