Friday, August 15, 2008

Ok I know I just posted but....

I went on the Skycoaster again. This time we had three people go though. I still pulled the rip cord, Weston went again (he did it with me the first time) then my friend Brinne did it with us. We had the funnest time!!!!!!!! While we were having fun, Brinne and I decided to go on the Catapult. We did and it was really fun, but I still think the Skycoaster was better. :) The Harness is really tight. You buckle your self in with a seatbelt then they pull the blue harness down and then they pull another strap (you can see them in the picture the black line coming out from he catapult) and buckle you into the harness. They shoot you off when you are not expecting git and it is fun :) When we got off the catapult the guy asked us if we wanted to watch our movie, (they have a video recorder in the catapult). We watched the movie and laughed the whole time. I realized that I have a HUGE mouth when I scream. he. . .he. . .he It was really big... it looked really bad too :)

Oh well I had fun and that is what counts.


Pendragon Inman said...

dude, you are gutzy. I'd never dare. Way too much of a chicken.

oh, and good luck in school!!!!!

Laurel said...

:) I loved it I was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you I think that I am doing well :) hehehe

Love your big sister