This is us being hit by a huge wave. It almost knocked me over

This is wet sand being blown all over the beach. It felt like a million of needles embedding themselves into our legs!

Us freezing our butts off!

The view from the top of the lighthouse

My aunts striking poses... I got the memo too late, so I am just stading there freezing my butt off

This is a really funny pic of me when we went over the bridge in New Port

The Oregon state flower!

Pretty pic of the lighthouse and some of the tide pools

This is the frame for the suspension bridge

This me looking through a telescope type of thing at the smaller lighthouse we went to

This the bridge that we went to on our hike

This is just a fun picture at Multanomah Falls. I like to call it, SUPERGIRL!! :D

This is my grandma and my aunt with a sea sponge that some guy found

This is the Snake River Gorge in Idaho. We took this pic on the way to Oregon.

This is a tide pool!

This is me sticking my finger in a Sea Anemone. It feels like velcro!

My 2nd to last day there, we went down to the beach after church and wrote Oregon in the sand. IT WAS SO COLD AND WINDY!!

This is the beginning of our hike at Drift Creek Falls

This is a really pretty bridge that we went over in New Port

This is a huge mussel shell I found at the tide pools
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