Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The last straw...

Ever been pushed to the edge of what you are capable of handling? Ever been so close to that precipice that if you shift just a fraction of an inch you fall with out warning and spiral into what seems like a never ending cycle of everything bad? Yeah the month of January was that way for me.
I have a lot of friends that are all really close to each other, but as high school goes, drama becomes a part of everything anybody does, and it somehow found a way to weasel into my friendships. I have had to be between 7 different friends. I was the one they came to when they needed help, and they all came to me when they all ended up having problems with each other also. I was so happy that they came to me. I was happy that they knew that they could trust me, and I like helping my friends, but it got a point where the problems were the only things that mattered. I was in turn ignoring some of my own pressing matters, and it got so bad that I pushed myself to the edge.
It was on the 31st that I finally let it all go. I let out all of that stress and all that had built up, I cried and all that I wanted to do was stay home for ever and never do anything again. It taxed me mentally and physically. I didn't know if I could go on anymore, but then I learned an important lesson. I am not alone, and I never was alone the entire month of January even though I thought that I was. I just didn't turn to my Savior. He was waiting the whole time for me to realize that he was there and was willing to take all that I was feeling if I just gave it to him. It has taken me all month to realize this, but I know now that he cares for sure. He wants to help you with all if the things that seem too frivolous to bother Him with, but nothing is too small OR too big. He loves us. I know this. Turn to Him and he will help you in any situation.


Unknown said...

Hey baby girl! I'm sorry you had such a tough month! But i'm so glad you were able to experience that lesson. This month has been filled with up's and downs for myself as well. But it is amazing the love our savior has for us! I too had to realize that I needed to turn to him, he is really always there and waiting for us! Love ya girlie

Laurel said...

:) Yeah so was I, I needed to go through all of that I guess so that I would learn it. Yeah his love is undeniable and unbeatable. I hope things are getting better for you Ashleigh!! :D

Love ya!!

Love your big sister