Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Its been awhile :D

So school starts really soon, and I am sooo not ready to have to start my senior year. So many of my friends all want to move out already, and get their lives started now, but I am the complete opposite! I don't want to have to grow up. I don't want to have to move away from my parents and have to worry about paying for college and such. I don't even really have an idea of where I want want to go for college! :P Blah... I am so nervous for a lot of things. I know that if I can just get over the fact that yes I really do have to experience life on my own, I will be good. I know that this feeling will fade and I will have senioritist (its a "disorder" most of the seniors get when all they want to do is leave high school and graduate) and just want to leave for forever!!

On a brighter note, official tennis practice started today and I am SOOO stoked for this year. At practice today, my coach said that my serves are looking really good and that I am soo improved from how I played at the beginning of the summer. Going on 4 years about with tennis, and it is still my all time favorite sport to play!

Hopefully I will write some more soon! :D have a great rest of the summer and keep all that you hold dear close to you


Anonymous said...

Summer was too short.

Laurel said...

I completely agree with you :)

havealittlefaith said...

I'm on the same page as you! I'm in grade 11 and I don't wanna grow up yet either. I could just stay in school forever-life is so carefree that way! Congrats on getting accepted into Southern Utah University! You give me some inspiration!

Laurel said...

Well thank you!!! I am glad that I can inspire you :)

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Love your big sister