School starts on the 19th and I am not ready for it to begin again. I want summer to last at least one more week :P But I know that it is not possible. It just means that sense we are starting earlier, we will get out for summer earlier again.
I will post after my first day of school and tell you how it was.
I'm not ready, either, and I'm the mom! :-)
Have fun!!
I remember when you were five and just going to kindergarten. You asked me if I was going to cry when I dropped you off. I said no that I was going to sing the haleulujia corus, you didnt like my answer much.
Love you, mom.
Yeah, i am not ready at all. I do have the stuff needed (or i think i do), but summer went by way to fast for me...
I do remember that mom!!!! :) Yes I thought you didn't love me after you said that. I thought you were like those other moms that would miss their babies and couldn't wait till they were home again :)hehehehehe I love you mom
Jewel, hehehehehe yep I don't think my mom is ready to have the house completely silent again. She is only going to have Noble home now. Well, she is going to have Timber till 12:30 or something like that :)
You are right Morgan summer went WAY too fast :P
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